
[ cheym-ber ]
See synonyms for chamber on
  1. a room, usually private, in a house or apartment, especially a bedroom: She retired to her chamber.

  2. a room in a palace or official residence.

  1. the meeting hall of a legislative or other assembly.

  2. chambers, Law.

    • a place where a judge hears matters not requiring action in open court.

    • the private office of a judge.

    • (in England) the quarters or rooms that lawyers use to consult with their clients, especially in the Inns of Court.

  3. a legislative, judicial, or other like body: the upper or the lower chamber of a legislature.

  4. an organization of individuals or companies for a specified purpose.

  5. the place where the moneys due a government are received and kept; a treasury or chamberlain's office.

  6. (in early New England) any bedroom above the ground floor, generally named for the ground-floor room beneath it.

  7. a compartment or enclosed space; cavity: a chamber of the heart.

  8. (in a canal or the like) the space between any two gates of a lock.

  9. a receptacle for one or more cartridges in a firearm, or for a shell in a gun or other cannon.

  10. (in a gun) the part of the barrel that receives the charge.

  1. of, relating to, or performing chamber music: chamber players.

verb (used with object)
  1. to put or enclose in, or as in, a chamber.

  2. to provide with a chamber.

Origin of chamber

1175–1225; Middle English chambre<Old French <Latin camera, variant of camara vaulted room, vault <Greek kamára

Other words from chamber

  • un·der·cham·ber, noun

Words Nearby chamber Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use chamber in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for chamber


/ (ˈtʃeɪmbə) /

  1. a meeting hall, esp one used for a legislative or judicial assembly

  2. a reception room or audience room in an official residence, palace, etc

  1. archaic, or poetic a room in a private house, esp a bedroom

    • a legislative, deliberative, judicial, or administrative assembly

    • any of the houses of a legislature

  2. an enclosed space; compartment; cavity: the smallest chamber in the caves

  3. the space between two gates of the locks of a canal, dry dock, etc

  4. an enclosure for a cartridge in the cylinder of a revolver or for a shell in the breech of a cannon

  5. obsolete a place where the money of a government, corporation, etc, was stored; treasury

  6. short for chamber pot

  7. NZ the freezing room in an abattoir

  8. (modifier) of, relating to, or suitable for chamber music: a chamber concert

  1. (tr) to put in or provide with a chamber

Origin of chamber

C13: from Old French chambre, from Late Latin camera room, Latin: vault, from Greek kamara

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