
[ kon-dwit, -doo-it, -dyoo-it, -dit ]
See synonyms for conduit on
  1. a pipe, tube, or the like, for conveying water or other fluid.

  2. a similar natural passage.

  1. any means of transmission or conveyance, as of information: According to rumor, he served as a conduit for Israeli intelligence.

  2. Electricity. a structure containing one or more ducts.

  3. Archaic. a fountain.

Origin of conduit

First recorded in 1300–50; Middle English conduit, condut, condewit, condit, from Old French conduit, from Medieval Latin conductus “pipe channel”; see origin at conduce, duct

Other words for conduit

Words Nearby conduit Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use conduit in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for conduit


/ (ˈkɒndɪt, -djʊɪt) /

  1. a pipe or channel for carrying a fluid

  2. a rigid tube or duct for carrying and protecting electrical wires or cables

  1. an agency or means of access, communication, etc

  2. botany a water-transporting element in a plant; a xylem vessel or a tracheid

  3. a rare word for fountain

Origin of conduit

C14: from Old French, from Medieval Latin conductus channel, aqueduct, from Latin condūcere to lead, conduce

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