

View synonyms for exhilarating


/ ɪɡˈzɪləˌreɪtɪŋ /


  1. causing strong feelings of excitement and happiness

    an exhilarating helicopter trip

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Derived Forms

  • exˈhilaˌratingly, adverb

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Example Sentences

For me, the research process was long but fairly exhilarating.

What was something that funny and exhilarating that I have experienced?

Watching the American support in the stands has been almost as exhilarating as watching the play.

Still, when it comes to neutrinos, the stakes are exhilarating: Why does the sun shine?

Every minute has the high drama of first love, only far more exhilarating.

They already furnish an exhilarating example of the difference between free governments and despotic misrule.

There was something strangely exhilarating in the air and the dusty office smelt of salt-pork and cheese.

It was a perfectly exhilarating experience to walk about on real earth once more.

Apparently we have this exhilarating entertainment all to ourselves, for the rest of the fifteen passengers have not appeared.

The nervous impulse that reaches the brain through the eye may be either exhilarating or depressing.




