
[ frit-er ]
See synonyms for fritter on
verb (used with object)
  1. to squander or disperse piecemeal; waste little by little (usually followed by away): to fritter away one's money; to fritter away an afternoon.

  2. to break or tear into small pieces or shreds.

verb (used without object)
  1. to dwindle, shrink, degenerate, etc. (often followed by away): to watch one's fortune fritter away.

  2. to separate or break into fragments: a plastic material having a tendency to fritter.

  1. a small piece, fragment, or shred.

Origin of fritter

1720–30; earlier fitter, derivative of fit (Old English fitt) a part

Other words for fritter

Other words from fritter

  • frit·ter·er, noun
  • un·frit·tered, adjective

Other definitions for fritter (2 of 2)

[ frit-er ]

  1. a small cake of batter, sometimes containing corn, fruit, clams, or some other ingredient, fried in deep fat or sautéed.

Origin of fritter

1350–1400; Middle English friture, frytour<Old French friture<Late Latin frīctūra a frying, equivalent to Latin frict(us), past participle of frīgere to fry1 + -ūra-ure Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use fritter in a sentence

  • Have you then no remorse for frittering away such a precious gift of God as time?

  • The frittering brownstone and discolored brick suit me as naturally as a hole in the sand befits a prairie dog.

    A Top-Floor Idyl | George van Schaick
  • Madame Francesca, as she will be called, can no longer keep on living in this frittering brownstone relic of better days.

    A Top-Floor Idyl | George van Schaick
  • The patriots were frittering away their chances for lack of a leader, and Krumpen was waiting for the arrival of King Christiern.

  • The idea of keeping that girl over there five years, frittering about the continent; preposterous!

    Hildegarde's Harvest | Laura E. Richards

British Dictionary definitions for fritter (1 of 2)


/ (ˈfrɪtə) /

  1. (usually foll by away) to waste or squander: to fritter away time

  2. to break or tear into small pieces; shred

  1. a small piece; shred

Origin of fritter

C18: probably from obsolete fitter to break into small pieces, ultimately from Old English fitt a piece

Derived forms of fritter

  • fritterer, noun

British Dictionary definitions for fritter (2 of 2)


/ (ˈfrɪtə) /

  1. a piece of food, such as apple or clam, that is dipped in batter and fried in deep fat

Origin of fritter

C14: from Old French friture, from Latin frictus fried, roasted, from frīgere to fry, parch

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