


[ juhd-suhn ]


  1. Edward Zane Carroll Ned Buntline, 1823–86, U.S. adventurer and writer of tales.

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Rocket teamed up with the Incredible Hulk to overthrow Judson Jakes, a devious mole.

Judson Phillips, founder of Tea Party Nation, was less diplomatic in his assessment of Huntsman.

Judson Philips, founder of Tea Party Nation, scoffs at the notion that his movement can be replicated.

“What you're seeing is the first shot in the war against Sarah Palin,” said Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips.

Mr. and Mrs. Judson were among the number of the first missionaries who left this country for India.

The account of the sufferings of the missionaries was written by Mrs. Judson, and is given in her own words.

Mr. Judson, with an imploring look, begged they would let me remain till further orders.

Mr. Judson's health was gradually restored, and he found himself much more comfortably situated, than when in the city prison.

My constitution seemed destroyed, and in a few days I became so weak as to be hardly able to walk to Mr. Judson's prison.




