
[ nash-uh-nal-i-tee ]
See synonyms for nationality on
noun,plural na·tion·al·i·ties for 1, 2, 5, 6.
  1. the status of belonging to a particular nation, whether by birth or naturalization: the nationality of an immigrant.

  2. the relationship of property, holdings, etc., to a particular nation, or to one or more of its members: the nationality of a ship.

  1. existence as a distinct nation; national independence: a small colony that has just achieved nationality.

  2. a nation or people: the nationalities of the Americas.

  3. a national quality or character: Nationalities tend to submerge and disappear in a metropolis.

Origin of nationality

First recorded in 1685–95; national + -ity

Words Nearby nationality Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use nationality in a sentence

  • It was a fatal error, for though the Spanish people might despise their King, they were intensely proud of their nationality.

    Napoleon's Marshals | R. P. Dunn-Pattison
  • Foreign families of neutral nationality sought more tranquil asylum far beyond the suburbs or on ships lying in the harbour.

    The Philippine Islands | John Foreman
  • An American woman therefore who marries an alien takes the nationality of her husband.

  • But if he was unconcerned as to family descent, he was far from indifferent as to nationality.

  • They have no nationality, and are officially described as “Filipinos under the protection of the United States.”

    The Philippine Islands | John Foreman

British Dictionary definitions for nationality


/ (ˌnæʃəˈnælɪtɪ) /

nounplural -ties
  1. the state or fact of being a citizen of a particular nation

  2. a body of people sharing common descent, history, language, etc; a nation

  1. a national group: 30 different nationalities are found in this city

  2. national character or quality

  3. the state or fact of being a nation; national status

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