
[ adjective out-rahyt; adverb out-rahyt, -rahyt ]
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  1. complete or total: an outright loss.

  2. downright or unqualified: an outright refusal.

  1. without further payments due, restrictions, or qualifications: an outright sale of the car.

  2. Archaic. directed straight out or on.

  1. completely; entirely.

  2. without restraint, reserve, or concealment; openly: Tell me outright what's bothering you.

  1. at once; instantly: to be killed outright.

  2. without further payments due, restrictions, or qualifications: to own the house outright.

  3. Archaic. straight out or ahead; directly onward.

Origin of outright

Middle English word dating back to 1250–1300; see origin at out, right

Other words for outright

Other words from outright

  • outrightness, noun

Words Nearby outright

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use outright in a sentence

  • Accordingly, as soon as they saw our Priests they refused outright to let the ship sail if the Jesuits were to embark in it.

  • Gwynne laughed outright, and for the first time without resentment; he was tired of having California "rammed down his throat."

    Ancestors | Gertrude Atherton
  • Margaret laughed outright and her laughter was so inoffensive and so musical that the Chief Inspector laughed also.

    Dope | Sax Rohmer
  • Are you going to throw off the mask outright, and become a bad husband as well as a neglectful one?

    Elster's Folly | Mrs. Henry Wood
  • You may go hence if your courage fails you outright; but I'll throw up the bridge and entrench myself within these walls.

    St. Martin's Summer | Rafael Sabatini

British Dictionary definitions for outright


adjective(ˈaʊtˌraɪt) (prenominal)
  1. without qualifications or limitations: outright ownership

  2. complete; total: an outright lie

  1. straightforward; direct: an outright manner

  1. without restrictions: buy outright

  2. without reservation or concealment: ask outright

  1. instantly: he was killed outright

  2. obsolete straight ahead or out

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