
[ adjective, noun kwod-rit, -reyt; verb kwod-reyt ]
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  1. square or rectangular.

  2. Zoology. of or relating to the quadrate.

  1. Heraldry. (of a cross) having an enlarged square at the junction of the limbs: a cross quadrate.

  1. a square.

  2. something square or rectangular.

  1. Zoology. one of a pair of bones in the skulls of many lower vertebrates, to which the lower jaw is articulated.

verb (used with object),quad·rat·ed, quad·rat·ing.
  1. to cause to conform or harmonize; adapt.

verb (used without object),quad·rat·ed, quad·rat·ing.
  1. to agree; conform.

Origin of quadrate

1350–1400; Middle English quadrat (noun and adj.) <Latin quadrātus (past participle of quadrāre to make square)

Other words from quadrate

  • sub·quad·rate, adjective

Words Nearby quadrate

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use quadrate in a sentence

  • And so is the square H quadrate made in the circle assigned, as the conclusion willeth.

    The Path-Way to Knowledg | Robert Record
  • The middle segment becomes in mammals the incus (one of the ear-ossicles), and in birds the quadrate.

    Form and Function | E. S. (Edward Stuart) Russell
  • The hyoid is at first connected with the skull, 140but afterwards frees itself and becomes slung to the "quadrate."

    Form and Function | E. S. (Edward Stuart) Russell
  • This movable bone unites with parts of the palate and the face, and is known as the quadrate bone.

    Dragons of the Air | H. G. Seeley
  • With these conditions of the quadrate bone are associated cold blood, terrestrial life, and young developed from eggs.

    Dragons of the Air | H. G. Seeley

British Dictionary definitions for quadrate


noun(ˈkwɒdrɪt, -reɪt)
  1. a cube, square, or a square or cubelike object

  2. one of a pair of bones of the upper jaw of fishes, amphibians, reptiles, and birds that articulates with the lower jaw. In mammals it forms the incus

adjective(ˈkwɒdrɪt, -reɪt)
  1. of or relating to this bone

  2. square or rectangular

  1. (tr) to make square or rectangular

  2. (often foll by with) to conform or cause to conform

Origin of quadrate

C14: from Latin quadrāre to make square

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012