
[ ree-al-i-tee ]
See synonyms for reality on
noun,plural re·al·i·ties for 3, 5-7.
  1. the state or quality of being real.

  2. resemblance to what is real.

  1. a real thing or fact.

  2. real things, facts, or events taken as a whole; state of affairs: the reality of the business world; vacationing to escape reality.

  3. Philosophy.

    • something that exists independently of ideas concerning it.

    • something that exists independently of all other things and from which all other things derive.

  4. something that is real.

  5. something that constitutes a real or actual thing, as distinguished from something that is merely apparent.

  1. noting or pertaining to a TV program or film that portrays nonactors interacting or competing with each other in real but contrived situations, allegedly without a script: a popular reality show; reality TV.

Idioms about reality

  1. in reality, in fact or truth; actually: brave in appearance, but in reality a coward.

Origin of reality

From the Medieval Latin word reālitās, dating back to 1540–50. See real1, -ity

Other words from reality

  • an·ti·re·al·i·ty, adjective
  • non·re·al·i·ty, noun, plural non·re·al·i·ties.
  • pro·re·al·i·ty, noun Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use reality in a sentence

  • This tendency to take art-representations for realities reappears even in the mental attitude of a child towards his stories.

    Children's Ways | James Sully
  • One Christian tells me that "It is in the solemn realities of life that one gets his final evidence that Christianity is true."

    God and my Neighbour | Robert Blatchford
  • Some of us have come through "the solemn realities of life," and have not realised that Christianity is true.

    God and my Neighbour | Robert Blatchford
  • Fortunately Miss Scovill had been the sort to teach her something of the realities of life.

    Mystery Ranch | Arthur Chapman
  • And have we not to feel that those things are realities in either case before we are moved?

British Dictionary definitions for reality


/ (rɪˈælɪtɪ) /

nounplural -ties
  1. the state of things as they are or appear to be, rather than as one might wish them to be

  2. something that is real

  1. the state of being real

  2. philosophy

    • that which exists, independent of human awareness

    • the totality of facts as they are independent of human awareness of them: See also conceptualism Compare appearance (def. 6)

  3. in reality actually; in fact

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