


[ suh-nawr-uh, -nohr-uh; Spanish saw-naw-rah ]


  1. a state in NW Mexico. 70,484 sq. mi. (182,555 sq. km). : Hermosillo.


/ soˈnora /


  1. a state of NW Mexico, on the Gulf of California: consists of a narrow coastal plain rising inland to the Sierra Madre Occidental; an important mining area in colonial times. Capital: Hermosillo. Pop: 2 213 370 (2000). Area: 184 934 sq km (71 403 sq miles)

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Other Words From

  • So·no·ran [s, uh, -, nawr, -, uh, n, -, nohr, -, uh, n], adjective

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Example Sentences

Time was, Ajo was best known as the last pit stop for tourists bound for the beaches of Sonora.

At least one other killing may have occurred in Nogales, Sonora, Mexico.

Three weeks ago, Sofia even sent her 4-year-old daughter back to Sonora, Mexico, figuring she could meet her child there.

So far this year, 203 migrants have died along the Sonora-Arizona border.

But things were getting too hot for him, and he was planning to go over into Mexico and go to mining in Sonora.

Yet a priest may ask how an Americano comes far from his home to guard gold and a maid in Sonora?

I am contemplating investing in Central Sonora when it is placed on the market.

They had been on a raid among the Mexican settlements in Sonora and were now returning home with their plunder.

The country around Samarra is not unlike in character the southern part of Arizona and northern Sonora.




