
[ suht-lej ]

  1. a river in S Asia, flowing W and SW from SW Tibet through NW India into the Indus River in Pakistan. 900 miles (1,450 km) long.

Words Nearby Sutlej Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use Sutlej in a sentence

  • The Sutlej seems to have arrived on the 3rd; that's a day later, isn't it, than we made out she would be?

    Hilda | Sarah Jeanette Duncan
  • As they gained the bridge their pursuers were at hand, precipitating them over it into the Sutlej.

  • The train for the Sutlej must have had a narrow shave of meeting it.

    Mary Gray | Katharine Tynan
  • It was empty—the Sutlej had left it only three-quarters of an hour ago.

    Mary Gray | Katharine Tynan
  • If the Sutlej had sailed—well, that, too, was the leading and the light.

    Mary Gray | Katharine Tynan

British Dictionary definitions for Sutlej


/ (ˈsʌtlɪdʒ) /

  1. a river in S Asia, rising in SW Tibet and flowing west through the Himalayas: crosses Himachal Pradesh and the Punjab (India), enters Pakistan, and joins the Chenab west of Bahawalpur: the longest of the five rivers of the Punjab. Length: 1368 km (850 miles)

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