
[ bob-uhl ]
See synonyms for bobble on
  1. a repeated, jerky movement; bob.

  2. a momentary fumbling or juggling of a batted or thrown baseball.

  1. an error; mistake.

  2. a small ball of fabric usually used decoratively, as in a fringe or other trimming: a sweater with a line of bobbles up the sleeves.

verb (used with object),bob·bled, bob·bling.
  1. to juggle or fumble (a batted or thrown baseball) momentarily, usually resulting in an error.

Origin of bobble

1805–15; bob1 + -le; (def. 4) perhaps new formation with bob2 Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use bobble in a sentence

  • For three months we've been bobbling aimlessly, millions of miles from earth.

    Elegy | Charles Beaumont
  • She drove them slowly towards the door, while running and bobbling round them frantically.

British Dictionary definitions for bobble


/ (ˈbɒbəl) /

  1. a short jerky motion, as of a cork floating on disturbed water; bobbing movement

  2. a tufted ball, usually for ornament, as on a knitted hat

  1. any small dangling ball or bundle

  1. (intr) sport (of a ball) to bounce with a rapid erratic motion due to an uneven playing surface

  2. US informal to handle (something) ineptly; muff; bungle: he bobbled the ball and lost the game

Origin of bobble

C19: from bob 1 (vb)

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