
[ feys-pleyt ]

  1. (on a lathe) a perforated plate, mounted on the live spindle, to which the work is attached.

  2. the part of a protective headpiece, as a diver's or astronaut's helmet, that covers the upper portion of the face, often of transparent material and sometimes movable.

  1. Also called face. Electronics. the glass front of a cathode ray tube upon which the image is displayed.

  2. a protective plate, as one surrounding an electric outlet or light switch.

Origin of faceplate

First recorded in1835–45; face + plate1

Words Nearby faceplate

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use faceplate in a sentence

  • He pushed his forehead against the faceplate of his helmet and rubbed off some of the sweat.

    All Day September | Roger Kuykendall
  • I'd noticed a smeared spot about nose-level on the faceplate of my fishbowl, and now was as good a time as any to get rid of it.

    The Risk Profession | Donald Edwin Westlake

British Dictionary definitions for faceplate


/ (ˈfeɪsˌpleɪt) /

  1. a perforated circular metal plate that can be attached to the headstock of a lathe in order to hold flat or irregularly shaped workpieces

  2. Also called: surface plate a flat rigid plate used to check the flatness and squareness of the faces of a component

  1. the part of a cathode-ray tube carrying the phosphor screen

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