
[ fraw-stee, fros-tee ]
See synonyms for frosty on
adjective,frost·i·er, frost·i·est.
  1. characterized by or producing frost; freezing; very cold: frosty weather.

  2. consisting of or covered with a frost: frosty designs on the windows; an avenue of frosty trees.

  1. lacking warmth of feeling; unfriendly: Their frosty greeting puzzled us.

  2. resembling frost; white or gray: a wedding dress of frosty satin.

  3. of or characteristic of old age: a frosty brow.

Origin of frosty

Middle English word dating back to 1350–1400; see origin at frost, -y1

Other words from frosty

  • frost·i·ly, adverb
  • frost·i·ness, noun
  • frostless, adjective
  • un·frost·y, adjective Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use frosty in a sentence

  • As the air grew frostier, the Hermit shivered and huddled closer to the trunk of his tree.

  • In hot weather her voice and eyes always seemed frostier than usual.

    Explorers of the Dawn | Mazo de la Roche
  • At every step the air grew colder and frostier, there was so much cold and ice that it froze even the marrow in one's bones.

  • Slade seemed as suave and urbane as before, but his eye was a trifle frostier and his tone carried a peremptory note.

    The Gray Phantom | Herman Landon
  • Frostier conviviality I have never sat down to than Reid's dinner.

    Marse Henry (Vol. 1) | Henry Watterson

British Dictionary definitions for frosty


/ (ˈfrɒstɪ) /

adjectivefrostier or frostiest
  1. characterized by frost: a frosty night

  2. covered by or decorated with frost

  1. lacking warmth or enthusiasm: the new plan had a frosty reception

  2. like frost in appearance or colour; hoary

Derived forms of frosty

  • frostily, adverb
  • frostiness, noun

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