


or Hin·doo

[ hin-doo ]


  1. a person, especially of northern India, who adheres to Hinduism.


  1. of or relating to Hindus or Hinduism.


/ hɪnˈduː; ˈhɪnduː /


  1. a person who adheres to Hinduism
  2. an inhabitant or native of Hindustan or India, esp one adhering to Hinduism


  1. relating to Hinduism, Hindus, or India

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Other Words From

  • an·ti-Hin·du adjective noun
  • non-Hin·du noun adjective
  • pro-Hin·du adjective noun
  • pseu·do-Hin·du adjective noun

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Word History and Origins

Origin of Hindu1

1655–65; < Persian Hindū Indian (adj., noun), equivalent to Hind ( Hindi ) + adj. suffix

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Word History and Origins

Origin of Hindu1

C17: from Persian Hindū, from Hind India; see Hindi

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Example Sentences

By which I mean, there are some Jews and the occasional Hindu or Muslim.

Buddhist and Hindu literature is rich with stories of disciples finally learning to surrender in this way.

And while guru literally means “teacher,” in Hindu and Buddhist contexts, it often means much more.

There are Egyptian influences and an imitation Hindu temple.

The attendees throw colored powder around, not unlike the Hindu festival of Holi.

We can do as we like with Hindu and Mussalman so long as we leave their respective religions untouched.

The Hindu walks with a great deal of poise, in fact, very much like an elephant, but he also has the agility of the panther.

The highest idea of the Hindu, as of the Buddhist, is to pass out into a sort of painless existence of nothingness.

In Penloe is seen the interior life of the Hindu combined with the best practical thought of the West.

The Chinese and Hindu millions who would have starved to death, have been fed, and that's why they're with us to-day.



