

View synonyms for ostentatious


[ os-ten-tey-shuhs, -tuhn- ]


  1. characterized by or given to pretentious or conspicuous show in an attempt to impress others:

    an ostentatious dresser.

  2. (of actions, manner, qualities exhibited, etc.) intended to attract notice:

    Lady Bountiful's ostentatious charity.

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Other Words From

  • osten·tatious·ly adverb
  • osten·tatious·ness noun
  • unos·ten·tatious adjective
  • unos·ten·tatious·ly adverb

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Word History and Origins

Origin of ostentatious1

First recorded in 1650–60; ostentat(ion) + -ious

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Synonym Study

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Example Sentences

And most of the contemporization sounds like what it is—an ostentatious, slightly ill-fitting suit slipped onto a stiff.

An ostentatious display of Japanese military might could scuttle those negotiations.

It was beyond ridiculous, beyond ostentatious, but it was all going to end soon.

The extraordinary price for the ostentatious gown proves that fascination with Princes Diana remains as strong today as ever.

In the photo, the ostentatious monument is undercut (literally) by a temporary stall selling wares in its niche.

And Jack come home from a long cruise, with prize-money in his pockets, was as ostentatious as any nouveau riche.

Kari averted his gaze because elephants are always irritated by the ostentatious bustle of a rhinoceros.

Then Griffith observed how delicate and prudent his lovely wife was, without ostentatious prudery; and his heart was at peace.

These dinners, formal as they were, are to be distinguished carefully from the extravagant banquets of the ostentatious rich.

Yet there was nothing ostentatious, or which seemed inconsistent with the degree of an opulent burgher.



