
[ pahy-ruh-tek-niks ]
See synonyms for pyrotechnics on
noun(used with a singular or plural verb)
  1. the art of making fireworks: My dad's friend studied pyrotechnics and made us firecrackers for our birthdays.

  2. the use of fireworks for display, military purposes, etc.: That department is in charge of coordinating and monitoring pyrotechnics.

  1. a display of fireworks: The breathtaking pyrotechnics were the highlight of the concert.

  2. a brilliant or sensational display, such as of rhetoric or musicianship: His verbal pyrotechnics stunned audiences at the debate.

  3. Military. ammunition containing chemicals for producing smoke or light, as for signaling, illuminating, or screening.

Origin of pyrotechnics

First recorded in 1710–20; see origin at pyrotechnic, -ics
  • Also py·ro·tech·ny [pahy-ruh-tek-nee] /ˌpaɪ rəˈtɛk ni/ (for defs. 1, 2) . Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use pyrotechnics in a sentence

  • That was "back in the Sixties," when his lapses were as far apart as they were unrivalled in consumption, span, and pyrotechny.

    Ancestors | Gertrude Atherton
  • The aged man who had before spoken said, "No, Reuben, you evidently don't understand pyrotechny."

    The Complete Works of Artemus Ward | Charles Farrar Browne (AKA Artemus Ward)
  • It is decomposed by heat, and is largely used in pyrotechny for the preparation of green fire.

  • Having seen Venetian pyrotechny, one realizes that all fireworks should be ignited over water.

  • At length the discharge of a cannon summoned the admirers of pyrotechny to witness a display of their art.

    Trevethlan: (Vol 2 of 3) | William Davy Watson

British Dictionary definitions for pyrotechnics


/ (ˌpaɪrəʊˈtɛknɪks) /

  1. (functioning as singular) the art or craft of making fireworks

  2. (functioning as singular or plural) a firework display

  1. (functioning as singular or plural) brilliance of display, as in the performance of music: keyboard pyrotechnics

  • Also called: pyrotechny

Derived forms of pyrotechnics

  • pyrotechnic or pyrotechnical, adjective

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012