
[ rob-erts ]

  1. Sir Charles George Douglas, 1860–1943, Canadian poet and novelist.

  2. Elizabeth Mad·ox [mad-uhks], /ˈmæd əks/, 1886–1941, U.S. poet and novelist.

  1. Frederick Sleigh [sley], /sleɪ/, Earl "Bobs Bahadur", 1832–1914, British field marshal.

  2. Glenn "Fireball", 1929–64, U.S. racing-car driver.

  3. John Glover, born 1955, U.S. jurist: chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court since 2005.

  4. Kenneth (Lewis), 1885–1957, U.S. novelist and essayist.

  5. Oral, 1918–2009, U.S. evangelist.

  6. Owen Jo·se·phus [joh-see-fuhs], /dʒoʊˈsi fəs/, 1875–1955, U.S. jurist: associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court 1930–45.

  7. Richard John, born 1943, U.S. molecular biologist, born in England: Nobel Prize 1993.

Words Nearby Roberts Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

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British Dictionary definitions for Roberts


/ (ˈrɒbəts) /

  1. Frederick Sleigh, 1st Earl. 1832–1914, British field marshal. He was awarded the Victoria Cross (1858) for his service during the Indian Mutiny and was commander in chief (1899–1900) in the second Boer War

  2. Julia. born 1967, US film actress; her films include Pretty Woman (1990), Notting Hill (1999), Erin Brockovich (2000), which earned her an Academy Award, and Charlie Wilson's War (2007)

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