
or sir·up

[ sur-uhp, sir- ]
See synonyms for syrup on
  1. any of various thick, sweet liquids prepared for table use from molasses, glucose, etc., water, and often a flavoring agent.

  2. any of various preparations consisting of fruit juices, water, etc., boiled with sugar: raspberry syrup.

  1. Pharmacology. a concentrated sugar solution that contains medication or flavoring.

verb (used with object)
  1. to bring to the form or consistency of syrup.

  2. to cover, fill, or sweeten with syrup.

Origin of syrup

1350–1400; <Medieval Latin syrupus<Arabic sharāb a drink; replacing Middle English sirop<Middle French <Medieval Latin, as above

Other words from syrup

  • syr·up·like, adjective Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use syrup in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for syrup


/ (ˈsɪrəp) /

  1. a solution of sugar dissolved in water and often flavoured with fruit juice: used for sweetening fruit, etc

  2. any of various thick sweet liquids prepared for cooking or table use from molasses, sugars, etc

  1. a liquid medicine containing a sugar solution for flavouring or preservation

  2. informal cloying sentimentality

  3. British slang a wig

  1. to bring to the consistency of syrup

  2. to cover, fill, or sweeten with syrup

Origin of syrup

C15: from Medieval Latin syrupus, from Arabic sharāb a drink, from shariba to drink: sense 4 from rhyming slang syrup of fig
  • Ancient name: sirup

Derived forms of syrup

  • syrup-like, adjective

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