
[ slat ]
See synonyms for slat on
  1. a long thin, narrow strip of wood, metal, etc., used as a support for a bed, as one of the horizontal laths of a Venetian blind, etc.

  2. Aeronautics. a control surface along the leading edge of a wing that can be extended forward to create a gap (slot ) to improve airflow.

  1. slats, Slang.

    • the ribs.

    • the buttocks.

    • Slats, a nickname for a tall, slender man.

verb (used with object),slat·ted, slat·ting.
  1. to furnish or make with slats

Origin of slat

First recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English sclat, slat(te “a roofing tile, slate,” from Middle French esclat “splinter, chip”; see origin at éclat

Other definitions for slat (2 of 3)

[ slat ]

verb (used with object),slat·ted, slat·ting.
  1. to throw or dash with force.

verb (used without object),slat·ted, slat·ting.
  1. to flap violently, as sails.

  1. a slap; a sharp blow.

Origin of slat

First recorded in 1200–50; of obscure origin; possibly from Old Norse sletta “to slap, splash”

Other definitions for S. Lat. (3 of 3)

S. Lat.

  1. south latitude. Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use slat in a sentence

  • Some prefer the racks made with slats, or smooth, upright sticks, in the form of the usual horse-rack.

    Domestic Animals | Richard L. Allen
  • It consists of seven strands of wire tightly stretched along the posts, with upright slats fastened every few feet.

British Dictionary definitions for slat (1 of 3)


/ (slæt) /

  1. a narrow thin strip of wood or metal, as used in a Venetian blind, etc

  2. a movable or fixed auxiliary aerofoil attached to the leading edge of an aircraft wing to increase lift, esp during landing and takeoff

verbslats, slatting or slatted
  1. (tr) to provide with slats

Origin of slat

C14: from Old French esclat splinter, from esclater to shatter

British Dictionary definitions for slat (2 of 3)


/ (slæt) dialect /

verbslats, slatting or slatted
  1. (tr) to throw violently; fling carelessly

  2. (intr) to flap violently

  1. a sudden blow

Origin of slat

C13: of Scandinavian origin; related to Old Norse, Icelandic sletta to slap

British Dictionary definitions for slat (3 of 3)


/ (slæt) /

  1. Irish a spent salmon

Origin of slat

C19: of uncertain origin

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