
[ uhn-der-struhk-cher ]
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  1. a structure serving as a support; a base or foundation: The building has a strong understructure.

  2. any thing, condition, etc., establishing support; a basis: an argument that rests on a sound understructure of knowledge.

Origin of understructure


Words Nearby understructure

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use understructure in a sentence

  • By the June of that year the understructure of the Pier was finished, and the rest was advancing with the speed of paper-hanging.

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  • And I confess that at this close view of the understructure of a polygamous career, I was weak enough to feel scandalized.

  • Stan saw a Liberator smack into a bursting shell that exploded against her understructure.

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  • The hair at the back of his neck lifted as his understructure raked across the hatch cover of the Jerry.

    A Yankee Flier with the R.A.F. | Rutherford G. Montgomery