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Word of the day


[ gal-uhnt-lee ] [ ˈgæl ənt li ] Show IPA Phonetic Respelling


in a courageous, spirited, or noble-minded way.

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More about gallantly

Gallantly “in a courageous way” is a compound of the adjective gallant and the adverb-forming suffix -ly. The -ant element in gallant is a telltale sign of the word’s origin; -ant is a common marker appearing in both French and Latin that shows that a word was originally a present participle. Just as tenant means “holding” in Middle French and radiant comes from Latin radiāns “shining,” gallant was the Old French present participle, meaning “amusing oneself,” of the verb galer “to amuse oneself, make merry.” Because of the sound change from w to g (or gu) when French borrowed Germanic words (usually from Frankish), gallant is a distant relative of English wealth, well, and will. For another example of this w/g contrast, compare the recent Word of the Day guerdon. Gallantly was first recorded in English in the mid-16th century.

how is gallantly used?

Sen. Daniel Inouye, the second-longest serving senator in U.S. history, was remembered Thursday as a man who gallantly defended his country on the battlefield and gracefully sought to better it during the 50-plus years he represented his beloved state of Hawaii.

Kevin Freking, “Final Capitol tribute to late Hawaii Sen. Inouye,” AP News, December 20, 2012

Camoëns lost an eye in the service of his king as gallantly as Cervantes lost a hand at Lepanto. It is an undisputed fact that during the siege of Paris there was scarcely a painter or poet or sculptor or musician who did not enlist in the army and do battle for his country at bitter need …

S. R. Elliott, “The Courage of a Soldier,” The Atlantic, February 1893
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[ had-ron ] [ ˈhæd rɒn ] Show IPA Phonetic Respelling


any elementary particle that is subject to the interaction responsible for the short-range attractive force that holds together the nucleus of the atom.

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More about hadron

Hadron “an elementary particle subject to the strong nuclear force” is a coinage based on Ancient Greek hadrós “thick, bulky” or “strong, great,” with the suffix -on (clipped from ion). Hadron is not related to the name Hadrian, which comes from a Roman place name that is also the source of Adriatic. Some linguists connect hadrós to Old English sæd “sated, full” or “heavy, weary” (compare modern English sad) on the grounds that Ancient Greek h tends to correspond to English s. If this connection is valid, that also makes hadrós a relative of Latin satis “enough” (found in asset, satiate, and satisfy) and satur “full, well-fed” (found in satire and saturate). Russian physicist Lev Okun created hadron in 1962 as a counterpart of lepton (from Ancient Greek leptós “small, slight”).

how is hadron used?

Protons are the only hadrons known to be stable in isolation—neutrons are stable only when they are incorporated into atomic nuclei. All other hadrons form only fleetingly, from the collision of other particles, and decay in a fraction of a second. So the LHC [Large Hadron Collider] creates new kinds of hadron by causing high-energy, head-on collisions between protons.

Davide Castelvecchi, “Exotic Four-Quark Particle Spotted at Large Hadron Collider,” Scientific American, August 11, 2021

Quarks are elementary particles that usually combine in groups of twos and threes to form hadrons such as the protons and neutrons that make up atomic nuclei. More rarely, however, they can also combine into four-quark and five-quark particles, or tetraquarks and pentaquarks.

Michael Shields, “Scientists at CERN observe three 'exotic' particles for first time,” National Post, July 5, 2022
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Word of the day


[ maj-uh-stee ] [ ˈmædʒ ə sti ] Show IPA Phonetic Respelling


regal, lofty, or stately dignity; imposing character; grandeur.

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More about majesty

Majesty, “regal, lofty, or stately dignity,” comes from Middle English majeste, which ultimately comes from the Latin stem majestās, meaning “dignity, grandeur.” Majesty was used first in the Christian Church in reference to a deity, then as a title of address or of dignity for kings and queens, and then in Roman history in reference to the power and dignity of the Roman people. It also appears in past Word of the Day lese majesty, which can be defined as an attack on any custom, institution, or belief held sacred or revered by numbers of people. Majesty entered English between 1250–1300.

how is majesty used?

The Catskills are the mountains for all seasons. Some, 300,000,000 years have not dimmed the splendor and majesty of this family of almost seventy mountains and the 1,000 square miles of territory they embrace.

Bill Newgold, "The Friendly Catskills, A Rare Mountain Chain," The New York Times, June 3, 1962

There is a majesty and history to this pre-war building that only our incredible orchestra is truly able to evoke. But then there are quirkier, darker elements with my voice, autoharps, affected pianos that bring a modernness to it all as well.

Siddhartha Khosla, as quoted in "‘Only Murders In The Building’ Composer Siddhartha Khosla On Scoring The 'Dramatic Beats' Of The Mystery And The Silent Episode 'The Boy From 6B,'” Deadline, August 10, 2022
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