
[ sad ]
See synonyms for sad on
adjective,sad·der, sad·dest.
  1. affected by unhappiness or grief; sorrowful or mournful: to feel sad because a close friend has moved away.

  2. expressive of or characterized by sorrow: sad looks;a sad song.

  1. causing sorrow: a sad disappointment;sad news.

  2. (of color) somber, dark, or dull; drab.

  3. deplorably bad; sorry: a sad attempt.

  4. Obsolete. firm or steadfast.

Origin of sad

First recorded before 1000; Middle English; Old English sæd “grave, heavy, weary,” originally “sated, full”; cognate with German satt, Gothic saths “full, satisfied”; akin to Latin satis “enough,” satur “sated,” Greek hádēn “enough.” See satiate, saturate

Other words for sad

Opposites for sad

Other words from sad

  • sad·ly, adverb
  • sad·ness, noun

Other definitions for SAD (2 of 3)


  1. seasonal affective disorder.

Other definitions for sād (3 of 3)

[ sahd ]

  1. the 14th letter of the Arabic alphabet.

Origin of sād

From Arabic Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use sad in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for sad (1 of 2)


/ (sæd) /

adjectivesadder or saddest
  1. feeling sorrow; unhappy

  2. causing, suggestive, or expressive of such feelings: a sad story

  1. unfortunate; unsatisfactory; shabby; deplorable: her clothes were in a sad state

  2. British informal ludicrously contemptible; pathetic: he's a sad, boring little wimp

  3. (of pastry, cakes, etc) not having risen fully; heavy

  4. (of a colour) lacking brightness; dull or dark

  5. archaic serious; grave

  1. NZ to express sadness or displeasure strongly

Origin of sad

Old English sæd weary; related to Old Norse sathr, Gothic saths, Latin satur, satis enough

Derived forms of sad

  • sadly, adverb
  • sadness, noun

British Dictionary definitions for SAD (2 of 2)


abbreviation for
  1. seasonal affective disorder

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