


[ al-fred, -frid ]


  1. a first name: from the Old English words meaning “elf ” and “counsel.”

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The family was English Catholic and Alfred, like his brother and sister, was raised in the faith, educated by Jesuits.

Now that he was Sir Alfred, there was one final blast of publicity.

There were times when he seemed to feel obliged to tell Alfred Hitchcock stories.

His photography has won more than a hundred awards, including the prestigious Alfred Eisenstaedt Award for Magazine Photography.

After his knighthood, I stop by to see him and call him Sir Alfred.

At Wheal Alfred they have a 64-inch cylinder; the air-pump is 20 inches, and the stroke is half that of the engine.

The evenings were devoted to reading, and they were particularly interested in the dramatic works of Alfred de Musset.

As a seat of learning, the town dates from the time of Alfred, who was born at Wantage, only twenty miles away.

Alfred Boucher conceived a strong admiration for the managing editor, who treated him as a friend.

This Alfred Boucher believed he was exploiting Savarus, whereas the contrary was the case.





alforjaAlfred the Great