
[ bohst ]
See synonyms for: boastboastedboastingboasts on

verb (used without object)
  1. to speak with exaggeration and excessive pride, especially about oneself.

  2. to speak with pride (often followed by of): He boasted of his family's wealth.

verb (used with object)
  1. to speak of with excessive pride or vanity: He boasts himself a genius.

  2. to be proud in the possession of: The town boasts a new school.

  1. a thing boasted of; a cause for pride: Talent is his boast. It is her boast that she has never betrayed a friend.

  2. exaggerated or objectionable speech; bragging: empty boasts and threats.

Origin of boast

First recorded in 1250–1300; Middle English bost (noun), bosten (verb), of uncertain origin

synonym study For boast

1, 2. Boast, brag imply vocal self-praise or claims to superiority over others. Boast usually refers to a particular ability, possession, etc., that may be one of such kind as to justify a good deal of pride: He boasts of his ability as a singer. Brag, a more colloquial term, usually suggests a more ostentatious and exaggerated boasting but less well-founded: He brags loudly of his marksmanship.

Other words from boast

  • boast·ing·ly, adverb
  • boastless, adjective

Words Nearby boast

Other definitions for boast (2 of 2)

[ bohst ]

verb (used with object)Masonry.
  1. to dress or shape (stone) roughly.

Origin of boast

First recorded in 1815–25; of uncertain origin Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use boast in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for boast (1 of 3)


/ (bəʊst) /

  1. (intr; sometimes foll by of or about) to speak in exaggerated or excessively proud terms of one's possessions, skills, or superior qualities; brag

  2. (tr) to possess (something to be proud of): the city boasts a fine cathedral

  1. a bragging statement

  2. a possession, attribute, attainment, etc, that is or may be bragged about

Origin of boast

C13: of uncertain origin

Derived forms of boast

  • boaster, noun
  • boasting, noun, adjective
  • boastingly, adverb

British Dictionary definitions for boast (2 of 3)


/ (bəʊst) /

  1. (tr) to shape or dress (stone) roughly with a broad chisel

Origin of boast

C19: of unknown origin

British Dictionary definitions for boast (3 of 3)


/ (bəʊst) squash /

  1. a stroke in which the ball is hit on to one of the side walls before hitting the front wall

  1. to hit (the ball) in this way or make such a stroke

Origin of boast

C19: perhaps from French bosse the place where the ball hits the wall

Derived forms of boast

  • boasted, adjective

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