
[ soh-duh ]
See synonyms for soda on
  1. sodium, as in carbonate of soda.

  2. a drink made with soda water, flavoring, such as fruit or other syrups, and often ice cream, milk, etc.

  3. (in faro) the card turned up in the dealing box before one begins to play.

Origin of soda

1550–60; (<Italian ) <Medieval Latin <Arabic suwwādah kind of plant; compare Middle French soulde, soude

regional variation note For soda

7. See soda pop.

Other words from soda

  • so·da·less, adjective

Words Nearby soda Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use soda in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for soda


/ (ˈsəʊdə) /

  1. any of a number of simple inorganic compounds of sodium, such as sodium carbonate (washing soda), sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), and sodium hydroxide (caustic soda)

  1. US and Canadian a fizzy drink

  2. the top card of the pack in faro

  3. a soda Australian slang something easily done; a pushover

Origin of soda

C16: from Medieval Latin, from sodanum barilla, a plant that was burned to obtain a type of sodium carbonate, perhaps of Arabic origin

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