


[ bahr-bruh, -ber-uh ]


  1. a first name: from a Greek word meaning “foreign, exotic.”

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Example Sentences

Shortly before Barbara’s death in 2007, they moved to Kendal at Longwood, Kennett Square PA.

You sense how Barbara’s troubled upbringing and the unresolved grief over Robin’s death contributed to the crippling depression she suffered in later years.

Perhaps that is why, early on, Barbara became known as a bully, a characteristic that would dog her all her life.

O’Neil got married in 1958 to Barbara, who lived a few houses down from his family when growing up in Chicago.

More than a dozen followers on Shelly’s account messaged to ask for one of Barbara’s bills, that they would pay in part or in full.

From Time

He captures Ramone and his second wife, Barbara, together in the studio in one photo, him on bass, her on guitar.

The lady who Goldberg is referring to is Barbara Bowman, one of the victims who agreed to testify in the 2006 case.

Now when you Google “Bill Cosby,” you also come across Hannibal Buress, Barbara Bowman, Joan Tarshis, and maybe others.

My girlfriend, Barbara, came to visit me and exposed her breast through the window.

Hayes has stayed in contact with that very girlfriend, Barbara Belmont, and even spoke to her a week ago.

Barbara was obviously deeply concerned over the evidence which Joe Strong had accidently turned up.

The bickering might have gone on the rest of the evening except that Barbara Sutton told them they were both being very foolish.

Kip Burland, without asking permission from anybody or even saying good-night to Barbara, slipped quietly from the house.

Barbara Sutton stood in the doorway, a small but businesslike revolver in her hand.

Black Hood released Barbara, turned, dashed back to the French windows.





Barbados pridebarbarian