



[ al-jee ]


  1. a first name, form of Algernon.


  1. variant of -algia:


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Example Sentences

Once upon a time Algy had been pleasant to all the world, for the sheer pleasure of pleasing.

"Jove, I'd give a month's pay even to be able to fire a sentry's gun," declared Algy wistfully.

Then, Mr. Gibbs was not altogether proof against the charm of Algy's manner.

And Minnie would not for an instant weigh that chance against the hope of doing some good to her old friend Algy.

"I don't know that they hate you, Algy," returned Minnie, but not with an air of very perfect conviction.


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Words That Use -algy

What does -algy mean?

The combining formalgy is used like a suffix meaning “pain.” It is used in a few, mostly historical forms of medical terms, especially in pathology.

The form -algy comes from the Greek álgos, meaning “pain.” Similar in meaning and use to algo- are odyno- and -odynia, which derive from odýnē, also meaning “pain.”

The form -algy is a rare variant of the much more common -algia, as in sacralgia. A corresponding form of -algy combined to the beginning of words is algo-, as in algophobia. Learn more about these forms in our Words That Use articles for each.

Examples of -algy

One example of a term that features the combining form -algy is coxalgy, “pain in the hip.” Coxalgy is a variant of coxalgia.

The first part of the word, cox-, represents coxa, the hipbone or hip joint. The form -algy means “pain,” as we have seen. Coxalgy literally translates to “hip pain.”

What are some words that use the combining form -algy?

What are some other forms that -algy may be commonly confused with?

Break it down!

The combining form cardi- means “heart.” What does the medical condition cardialgy literally mean?


