


[ bur-nees, bur-nis ]


  1. a first name: from a Greek word meaning “bringer of victory.”

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So Michael and Bernice started poking around the NCBI database.

Bernice and Michael wanted to know if there was a way to track the strain to see if the outbreak was still going on.

"It is hot and it is ready," says Bernice Michaud, who has been waitressing at Dolly's for over a quarter century.

"Bernice Reig was always too much of a perfectionist to allow a franchised store out of her control," Mr. Hoch told us.

This is the second time that Dexter and MLK III have tried to sue Bernice.

As Bernice said herself in today's press release: The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "MUST be turning in his grave."

Of the three children, only Bernice seems willing to do anything in the spirit of their mother and father.

Bernice saw that Warren's eyes had left a ukulele he had been tinkering with and were fixed on her questioningly.

"Bernice; I think Bernice is a beautiful name," said Flossie.

Which meaneth: "Bernice, enjoy yourself in your sojourn among the sheep pastures and be affable and gracious among the suitors."

I shall never forget the first time I saw the slight, delicate form and sweet face of Sister Bernice.

Bernice, Freue dich in ihrem gang unter der Schafweide, und sey freundlich u. huldreich unter den Liebhabern.





Bernhardt, SarahBernicia