


  1. variant of veno- before a vowel.



abbreviation for

  1. Venerable.
  2. Venice.


abbreviation for

  1. Venerable

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Example Sentences

[E]ven a slight edge in ability can translate into enormous payoffs.

She hat haar as prown ash a pretzel,Her eyes vas himmel-plue, Und ven dey looket indo mine,Dey shplit mine heart in two.

Ven you shall make yet some moneys and go to Europe, you shall see.

It gif me a cholt, Matt, ven you saidt dose t'ings vas bearls, und I recollectioned vat vas saidt in der note about bearls.

I wish you could ha' heard how the women screamed, Sammy, ven they picked up the shepherd from underneath the table—Hollo!

Blessed if I don't think that ven a man's wery poor, he rushes out of his lodgings, and eats oysters in reg'lar desperation.'


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Words That Use ven-

What does ven- mean?

Ven- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “vein.” A vein, in contrast to an artery, is one of the systems of branching vessels or tubes conveying blood from various parts of the body to the heart.

Ven- is often used in medical terms, especially in anatomy and pathology.

Ven- comes from the Latin vēna, meaning “vein.” The Latin word vēna is also ultimately the source of such vein-based words as venous. The Greek-derived equivalent of ven- is phleb-, as in phlebectasia.

Ven– is a variant of veno-, which loses its -o- when combined with words or word elements beginning with vowels.

Want to know more? Read our Words That Use veno- article. Also see our Words That Use veni- and Words That Use vene- for even more forms.

Examples of ven-

One example of a medical term that uses the combining form ven– is venectomy, the excision (removal) of a vein or part of a vein, particularly varicose veins.

The combining form ven- means “vein,” as we have learned. The combining form -ectomy means “excision.” Venectomy, then, is literally “vein removal.”

What are some words that use the combining form ven-?

What are some other forms that ven- may be commonly confused with?

Many other words begin with ven- but do not use the combining form to mean “vein.” Some, like venal, come from the Latin word for “for sale.” Others, like venison, are related to the Latin word for “hunting.” Still others, like venial, ultimately come from the Latin word for “desire.” Learn more about the origins of these words at our entries.

Break it down!

Venation is one way biologists are able to identify the leaves of different plants or wings of insects.

With the meaning of ven- in mind, venation is a word for the arrangement of what?



