


[ ey-mee ]


  1. a first name.

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As Aimee always said, this fight is about more than just her and it will stretch far beyond this case.

Come November, MacArthur will challenge Democrat Aimee Belgard, a Burlington County Freeholder in the general election.

Like chef Emma, architect Moshe, and artist Rose Aimee, those three musicians have been creating great art for a long time.

That is where Rose Aimee Berlanger had a recent exhibit of her bronzed babes.

Also writers like George Saunders, Aimee Bender, Deborah Eisenberg.

Watching them in front of and behind the camera was an absolute miracle—they were Sutter and Aimee.

Elsie and Brida and Aimee and the rest were all good comrades, yet none of them possessed David's powers of quick comprehension.

She tried to rise then; but when she stood up her strength seemed to fail her, and she staggered and caught at Aimee's arm.

She did so at once, and sitting beside Aimee she played upon her instrument.

The king and queen could not fulfil the promise they had made to Queen Aimee.

Aimee used this power very often to visit her son and his children.





A.I.M.E.aiming point