


[ al-fon-soh, -zoh ]


  1. a first name: from Germanic words meaning “noble” and “ready.”

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There are over 1,000 varieties to pick from, made decadent by, but not limited to, the Alphonso.

From Ozy

Jump ahead several centuries to the British Raj, and the exploding appeal of the Alphonso is far more traceable.

From Ozy

As far as she is concerned, the world can keep its Alphonso.

From Ozy

I believe Alphonso when he states he did not participate in attempts to silence any of Governor Cuomo’s accusers.

Meanwhile, LG is stepping up its CTV ad pitch after the smart TV maker acquired TV data provider Alphonso in January and rebranded that business as LG Ads in March.

From Digiday

After much fighting by land and sea, Alphonso entered Naples, and in 1422 peace was made.

There she was joined by Louis whom she adopted as her successor instead of the ungrateful Alphonso.

Only the Duke Alphonso and those who so basely read the poet's private papers can reply.

Give me joy, Alphonso; Father Benedick, in this dear and wished-for union, has this moment made me the happiest of mankind.

Courage, Alphonso—I'll answer you shall be no exception to the general joy of this happy night.





Alphonse and GastonAlphonsus