


[ ahr-chee ]


  1. a first name, form of Archibald.

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Example Sentences

We trotted on, Archie pulling from one side to the other, led by invisible scents.

CBS so worried about viewers’ responses to Archie, that they manned their phone lines with additional operators to field the expected barrage of angry callers.

From Time

When Archie and Edith return from church to their home at 704 Hauser Street in Queens, New York, Edith tells him how horrified she is that he has just cursed the minister for his sermon.

From Time

Archie hasn’t barked at me since that night a few weeks ago.

I’ve decided to feel good that our new dog, Archie, feels comfortable enough in our house to bark at me.

Josh had a different one, but Archie also signed a six-year contract.

But we just got word that Archie Panjabi is leaving at the end of the season.

Archie Carr, The Windward Road: Adventures of a Naturalist On Remote Caribbean Shores—The title tells you a lot, but not enough.

Norman Lear had a crisis while filming All in the Family about people genuinely taking Archie Bunker as a role model.

Or as Jon Goldwater, publisher and co-CEO of Archie Comics, affectionately calls him, “Archie West.”

This Hulls, who is standing off the law with a gun, and Archie, who disappeared in about a year after Maizie came.

Archie made the statement that he was through, was leaving for the Northwest, and that he would not return.

There he contacted another former resident in the person of Archie Barrow.

But Archie knew it would be useless to write to a brother that never went to the post office and was remote from rural deliveries.

If Archie got the express company's money—en hit sorta looks like he did—he was smart enough to 'duck out' with hit.





archidiaconateArchie Bunker