


[ ahr-luhn ]


  1. Harold Hymen Arluck, 1905–1986, U.S. songwriter.
  2. Michael Dikran Kouyoumdjian, 1895–1956, English novelist, born in Bulgaria.
  3. a first name.

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Example Sentences

“This has created a furor in certain quarters, but [Toomey] is no Arlen Specter,” Madonna says.

During his 30-plus years in the Senate, Arlen Specter earned a reputation as a tough guy.

It was an audacious move on Mitt Romney's part to attack Rick Santorum for endorsing Arlen Specter's re-election in 2004.

Arlen Specter lectured her to “act like a [lady]” when she strenuously disagreed with him on a point.

This is the second huge setback for union-backed Senate candidates in the last few weeks, the first being Arlen Specter.

That was sumpty-sump years ago,” said Artie Van Arlen, “you have him in the third grade.

"We can remove the stuff to the boat though," said Artie Van Arlen.

Van Arlen's right hand held his sombrero; his left was at his side.

Silently, but with growing anxiety, Mr. Van Arlen heard him to the end.

Van Arlen and Aylmer saw that they were seen, but not recognized.




