

View synonyms for befriend


[ bih-frend ]

verb (used with object)

  1. to make friends or become friendly with; act as a friend to; help; aid:

    to befriend the lonely and the disregarded.

    Synonyms: welcome, succor, sustain, encourage, assist, associate, ally


/ bɪˈfrɛnd /


  1. tr to be a friend to; assist; favour

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Other Words From

  • unbe·friended adjective

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Word History and Origins

Origin of befriend1

First recorded in 1550–60; be- + friend

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Example Sentences

They befriended local business owners and gained the trust of row-home renovators and longtime residents alike — many of whom opened their houses to be photographed.

I’ve lived in three different neighborhoods in Albuquerque and each time we’ve moved I’ve befriended the neighbors, both because it’s the right thing to do and also because I want them to watch my house when I’m gone.

She had befriended future first lady Hillary Clinton when both were among the few young female lawyers working on American Bar Association initiatives.

In one instance, a Thacher student in the 1980s told investigators that a professor “befriended” her while she was a freshman, then forcibly kissed her and groped her at his home, according to the report.

There also was a lonely camper, warmly befriended by Charlie Brown, named Roy.

Which itself, in turn, makes it harder to befriend people from the other side.

You too must befriend the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.

But whatever their private feeling, politicians have been keen to befriend a critical power-broker.

Rose MacMurray has a precocious teenaged girl befriend the poet in her novel, Afternoons with Emily.

For her sake alone I should think he would be pleased to find others ready to befriend her.

On the following day he parted forever from the family that he would have given his life to befriend.

Sisters, let us try by all possible means to befriend our own sex and help all who are thrown in our way, heavenward.

His principal witness has run away, his old friends all turn against him, and circumstantial evidence doesn't befriend him.

And with that sigh there was a smile that lasted when the sigh was gone: for I promised to befriend her children.


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