


[ bel-uh ]


  1. a first name, form of Isabella.

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Bella had the great idea that we could classify each person’s occupation and match it with Census Bureau classifications that come attached with median income.

In 2008, he and his wife, Bella, planted pinot noir and chardonnay vines on their farm in Dorset, near the English Channel, on the same geologic ridge of chalk as Champagne.

Commissioned psychologists Charles F. Bond Jr. and Bella M. DePaulo to review more than 200 studies on body language.

The t-shirt that Bella wore in her very first Twillight kissing scene with Edward is now up for auction.

Catherine Hardwicke, who directed the first movie, went so far as to test out Browning as Bella.

After watching Kristen Stewart in the indie film Into the Wild, Hardwicke thought the young actress might be her Bella.

“I would ask Montel what he was thinking when he hired her,” Bella said.

The fact is, that my daughter Bella—Bella, who married young Trundle, you know.

They did not shout as they took their gifts; but still the murmur ran from mouth to mouth: "Bella Madonna, bella Madonna."

Bella and Syphax were now our constant attendants, and we embarked, and arrived in our own country in less than a month.

"But my mistress knew nothing of the footmen and chairmen," returned Bella, observing a smile upon her features.

From this profound and almost touching portrait we come to the joy of the Bella .




