


or Bes·sy

[ bes-ee ]


  1. a first name, form of Elizabeth.

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Shortly after, his mom, Bessie, was also diagnosed with multiple myeloma.

The grand Pleasant Inn Lodge, hosted by the reclusive, debonair bachelor Peck Pleasanton and his octogenarian mother, Bessie, welcomed an occasional well-behaved “single” gentleman.

Dozens of blues musicians, some as famous as Bessie Smith, were buried in unmarked graves.

Julien had trouble competing in the flamboyance category with his occasional air show mate, Bessie Coleman.

I needed to understand more about his mother, Bessie Gilmore.

Bessie Smith once sang of wanting a pig foot and a bottle of beer and to be left alone because she was “in my sin.”

Every day in her cozy sitting-room Mrs. Worthington talked with her little girls, Bessie and Louise.

Bessie quietly took her little sister's hand, lead her aside, and knelt with her in prayer.

"Surely there can be no harm or danger," thought Bessie; but she remembered the oft-repeated warnings of her parents and aunt.

I shall tell you some stories about a little girl whose name was Bessie Allen.

In trying to stop him, Bessie soiled her nice white frock; and the ink streamed over the carpet.





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