


[ van-der-bilt ]


  1. Cornelius, 1794–1877, U.S. financier.
  2. Harold Stir·ling [stur, -ling], 1884–1970, U.S. business executive.


/ ˈvændəbɪlt /


  1. VanderbiltCornelius17941877MUSBUSINESS: shipownerBUSINESS: railway magnatePHILANTHROPY: philanthropist Cornelius, known as Commodore Vanderbilt. 1794–1877, US steamship and railway magnate and philanthropist

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Examine photographs of Andrew Carnegie, J. P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Mellon, and Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt.

Michael A. Newton is a West Point graduate who serves as professor of the practice of law at Vanderbilt University Law School.

“This Vanderbilt person is a perfect example,” Beyer says of the “PTSD” afflicting so many in the transgender community.

Born Stephen Krol, Essay Anne Vanderbilt was a transgender woman.

Ah, but the critics contend that Vanderbilt was not a suitable subject in the first place.

But add to that the name of Vanderbilt, and your check is honored.

Mounted in front of the Vanderbilt House, Syracuse, at four o'clock in the afternoon.

He felt himself with pride to be the largest operator in his way, as Vanderbilt in his, or Stewart in his.

I can illustrate that better by a story told by Mr. Vanderbilt when he and his broker had a deal in stocks.

The Vanderbilt, the swiftest of the fleet, arrived off the entrance on November 3, among the first.





VandenbergVanderbilt, Cornelius