


[ gohl-dee-loks ]


, plural gold·i·locks.
  1. (used with a singular verb) a person with golden hair.


  1. (usually initial capital letter) not being extreme or not varying drastically between extremes, especially between hot and cold: Goldilocks zone.

    a Goldilocks economy that is neither overheated nor too cold to cause a recession;

    a goldilocks planet such as Earth.


/ ˈɡəʊldɪˌlɒks /


  1. a Eurasian plant, Aster linosyris (or Linosyris vulgaris ), with clusters of small yellow flowers: family Asteraceae (composites)
  2. a Eurasian ranunculaceous woodland plant, Ranunculus auricomus, with yellow flowers See also buttercup
  3. sometimes capital a person, esp a girl, with light blond hair
  4. modifier; sometimes capital not prone to extremes of temperature, volatility, etc

    a goldilocks planet

    a goldilocks economy

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Word History and Origins

Origin of goldilocks1

1540–50; obsolete goldy golden + lock 2 + -s 3; from the fairy tale Goldilocks and the Three Bears , in which the golden-haired Goldilocks rejects uncomfortable extremes, as porridge that is too hot or too cold

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Word History and Origins

Origin of goldilocks1

(for sense 4): C20: from the fairy tale Goldilocks and the Three Bears , in which the heroine prefers the porridge that is neither too hot nor too cold

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Example Sentences

She is not too hot or too cold, but just right, the Goldilocks of Fed chairs.

This sort of calculation—not too hot, not too cold—is better left to Goldilocks.

It afforded the president the Goldilocks alternative in his next debate, where he can cast his attacks in just the right tone.

The Atlantic, 3,000 miles across, became a kind of Goldilocks Ocean, not too big and not too small.

This year, the theme was "Just Right," inspired loosely on the story of Goldilocks.

Goldilocks wasn't there yet but the porridge was on the table in a big, a medium, and a tiny bowl.

“It is pleasant to see any thing smile, even a flower,” said Goldilocks, laughing as she spoke.

Ko-Ko and Goldilocks and Cinderella were coming out of the hall from the bedroom; he gathered them up and put them on the table.

The Fuzzies were rising, sliding their chopper-diggers under the body of Goldilocks and lifting it on the steel shafts.

He sat down and took Goldilocks on his lap; immediately Cinderella jumped up, also.





Goldie's fern“Goldilocks and the Three Bears”