


/ ˈæbəs /


  1. AbbasFerhat18991985MAlgerianPOLITICS: nationalist leaderPOLITICS: head of state Ferhat. 1899–1985, Algerian nationalist leader: joined the National Liberation Front (1956); president of the provisional government of the Algerian republic (1958–61)

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Example Sentences

So here we are with Abbas being the only one of three parties to this conflict still fighting for a two-state solution.

As President Abbas said, the table has all the options on it, yes, but almost none of them are good.

Abbas has been committed—quite unsuccessfully, but nevertheless committed—to nonviolence.

It was astonishing yesterday that he pinned the blame for the attacks on Mahmoud Abbas, the Fatah leader.

Abbas al-Saadi is a soldier and by rights he should be stationed near Tikrit, where his unit is involved fighting ISIS.

Our section from Deli Abbas was moved up to take the place of the one that had been engaged, which now returned to Baghdad.

They varied but slightly; the one I went on the day after reaching Deli Abbas might serve as model.

When I was at Deli Abbas ghastly bands of ragged skeletons would come through to us begging food and work.

Out of which my little formal trifle of Tribute might come easily and regularly—eh, Abbas?

Abbas was after this manner betrothed to his cousin in infancy.



