

View synonyms for minority


[ mahy-nawr-i-tee, -nor, mi- ]


, plural mi·nor·i·ties.
  1. the smaller part or number; a number, part, or amount forming less than half of the whole.
  2. a smaller party or group opposed to a majority, as in voting or other action.
  3. a group in society distinguished from, and less dominant than, the more numerous majority:

    The ethnic minority was disproportionately affected by the reduction in preventative medical services.

  4. a racial, ethnic, religious, or social subdivision of a society that is subordinated in political, financial, or social power by the dominant group, without regard to the size of these groups:

    legislation aimed at providing equal rights for minorities.

  5. a member of such a group.
  6. the state or period of being under the legal age of full responsibility.

    Synonyms: girlhood, boyhood, childhood


  1. of or relating to a minority.


/ mɪ-; maɪˈnɒrɪtɪ /


  1. the smaller in number of two parts, factions, or groups
  2. a group that is different racially, politically, etc, from a larger group of which it is a part
    1. the state of being a minor
    2. the period during which a person is below legal age Compare majority
  3. modifier relating to or being a minority

    a minority opinion

    a minority interest

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Other Words From

  • non·mi·nor·i·ty adjective
  • pro·mi·nor·i·ty adjective

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Word History and Origins

Origin of minority1

First recorded in 1450–1500; late Middle English, from Middle French minorité, from Medieval Latin minōritāt-, stem of minōritās; minor, -ity

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Word History and Origins

Origin of minority1

C16: from Medieval Latin minōritās, from Latin minor


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