

Bernese Alps

plural noun

  1. a mountain range in SW Switzerland, part of the Alps: highest peak, 14,026 feet (4,275 meters).

Bernese Alps

/ ˈbɜːniːz /


  1. a mountain range in SW Switzerland, the N central part of the Alps. Highest peak: Finsteraarhorn, 4274 m (14 022 ft)

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Example Sentences

The last to me was from Geneva, sending me a short but most interesting journal of an excursion to the Bernese Alps.

The view of the Bernese Alps is worth the journey to Switzerland.

She told me they had left her mother at Interlaken, and had been wandering about the Bernese Alps for nearly a week.

To the right, crossing and cutting off the valley, are the Bernese Alps, their snow-covered peaks glistening in the sunlight.

A favourite view from hence is to watch the sun rise over the Bernese Alps.



