

View synonyms for cortex


[ kawr-teks ]


, plural cor·ti·ces [kawr, -t, uh, -seez].
  1. Anatomy, Zoology.
    1. the outer region of an organ or structure, as the outer portion of the kidney.
  2. Botany.
    1. the portion of a stem between the epidermis and the vascular tissue; bark.
    2. any outer layer, as rind.
  3. Mycology. the surface tissue layer of a fungus or lichen, composed of massed hyphal cells.


/ ˈkɔːtɛks; ˈkɔːtɪkəl /


  1. anatomy the outer layer of any organ or part, such as the grey matter in the brain that covers the cerebrum ( cerebral cortex ) or the outer part of the kidney ( renal cortex )
  2. botany
    1. the unspecialized tissue in plant stems and roots between the vascular bundles and the epidermis
    2. the outer layer of a part such as the bark of a stem


/ kôrtĕks′ /

  1. The outer layer of an organ or body part, such as the cerebrum or the adrenal glands.
  2. The region of tissue lying between the epidermis (the outermost layer) and the vascular tissue in the roots and stems of plants. It is composed of collenchyma, parenchyma, and sclerenchyma. In roots the cortex transfers water and minerals from the epidermis to the vascular tissue, which distributes them to other parts of the plant. The cortex also provides structural support and stores food manufactured in the leaves.
  3. See illustration at xylem

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Derived Forms

  • cortical, adjective
  • ˈcortically, adverb

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Other Words From

  • sub·cortex noun plural subcortices

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Word History and Origins

Origin of cortex1

1650–60; < Latin: bark, rind, shell, husk

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Word History and Origins

Origin of cortex1

C17: from Latin: bark, outer layer

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Example Sentences

Its distinctiveness arises from a key region, the frontal cortex, not being fully developed.

Rocket has a “cybernetic skeletal structure, enhanced phalange and metacarpal bones, and a genetically augmented cerebral cortex.”

Brain death implies the complete and permanent absence of neurological function in the cortex and the brainstem.

LSD affects the gating process—so much more information is sent to the cortex to be processed.

Relax your mind to unleash those lucrative alpha waves; mobilize your pre-frontal cortex and make a million bucks.

A cell of another form, from the superficial or outer part of the greater brain (cortex cerebri).

The cortex of a person of average intelligence, if spread out on a flat surface, measures about four square feet.

Much more disastrous results can be traced directly to the action of the mycelium in the cortex.

But then we have achieved a very considerable improvement in the utilization of the The Brain's cortex capacity.

In this case the outermost sporangia are often consolidated to form a cortex more or less dense and shining.





Cortés, HernandoCorti