


[ eet-n ]


  1. Theophilus, 1590–1658, English colonist and colonial administrator in America.
  2. a male given name.

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"I did ask Ashton Eaton to come out," the driver of USA-1 said of the 2012 Olympic decathlon gold medalist, who declined.

Eaton said British television had been well-ahead of the U.S. for decades.

More than a decade later, Eaton, now 65, saw Radcliffe on stage in Equus.

Plus, Masterpiece executive producer Rebecca Eaton reacts to the day-and-date broadcast issue.

Reached via email for a comment, Eaton said that the success of Downton Abbey couldn't be reduced down to just one element.

William Eaton, an American general, died; celebrated for his heroic achievements in the expedition against Tripoli, 1798.

Well, I'll tell you what my mother used to say, and she was the best cook in Eaton county, by all odds.

As he came within striking distance of 262 Eaton Square he had the advantage of an unusual and brilliant spectacle.

It was through “the king of flash-men” that Borrow saw his first prize-fight at Eaton, near Norwich.

Kelmscott on the north, and Eaton Hastings on the south, are the nearest villages.





eat like a birdeat one's cake and have it, too