


[ gawr-buh-chof, -chawf; Russian guhr-buh-chawf ]


  1. Mi·kha·il S(er·ge·ye·vich) [mi-, kahyl, sur-, gey, -, uh, -vich, mi-, keyl, myi-, kh, uh-, yeel, syi, r, -, gye, -yi-vyich], 1931–2022, Soviet political leader: general secretary of the Communist Party 1985–91; the last president of the Soviet Union 1988–91; Nobel Peace Prize 1990.


/ ɡərbaˈtʃɒf /


  1. GorbachovMikhail Sergeevich1931MSovietPOLITICS: statesmanPOLITICS: head of state Mikhail Sergeevich (mixaˈil sirˈɡjejivitʃ). born 1931, Soviet statesman; general secretary of the Soviet Communist Party (1985–91): president (1988–91). Nobel peace prize 1990. His reforms ended the Communist monopoly of power and led to the break-up of the Soviet Union

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Example Sentences

Of course, in Russia at that time you had just the beginning of Gorbachev, and glasnost and perestroika.

RT also reported that former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has advised Kiev against building a wall with Russia.

In 1990 the winner was Mikhail Gorbachev, who actually did what Carter had merely tried to do.

When Ronald Reagan went to the Brandenburg Gate at the height of the Cold War he said: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”

Still more excitingly for Cohen, glasnost included a Bukharin revival, with major support from Gorbachev himself.

In fact I spoke by phone with President Gorbachev just today.





goralGorbachev, Mikhail