

View synonyms for grandiosity


[ gran-dee-os-i-tee ]


  1. the quality of seeming impressive or important in an artificial or deliberately pompous way; pretentiousness:

    These are mere bogus revolutionaries, high on the sound of their own voices and the silly grandiosity of their claims.

  2. the quality of actually being imposing or impressive:

    Through the photographer's eyes these sprawling, well-known cities become worlds of extreme beauty, elegance, and grandiosity.

  3. the quality of being more complicated or elaborate than necessary:

    Hockey’s a great sport: gentlemanly and understated, with no fuss or grandiosity.

  4. Psychiatry. an exaggerated belief in one’s own importance, sometimes reaching delusional proportions, as a symptom of a mental illness such as manic disorder:

    Paranoiacs tend to carry a bit of guilt with their grandiosity—a sense of some great transgression that has made them a magnet for universal hostility.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of grandiosity1

First recorded in 1795–1805; from French grandiosité, from Italian grandiosità, equivalent to grandiose ( def ) + -ity ( def )

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Example Sentences

Although Korra looks at PTSD and assault with supernatural grandiosity, fans were quick to pick up on it in some forums.

The essay itself seems an artifact of a dying tradition, and not just in its grandiosity.

“Grandiosity has never been a problem for Newt Gingrich,” said Santorum.

Newt Gingrich had similar personnel problems, and his grandiosity makes her look humble.

Hollywood people have a curious mixture of grandiosity and insecurity.

I hate throwing away money on mere pomposity and grandiosity and show.

It was of a grandiosity which appealed to the imagination, but not to the practical judgment of a far-sighted statesman.

That this grandiosity was unnatural and unreal was proved by the publication of Choses Vues.

I went again when I graduated high school and was amazed by the richness of detail, the grandiosity and grandeur of it all.

The grandiosity, to use a mild phrase, of such a measure needs no comment.


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