

View synonyms for interlocutor


[ in-ter-lok-yuh-ter ]


  1. a person who takes part in a conversation or dialogue.
  2. the man in the middle of the line of performers in a minstrel troupe, who acts as the announcer and banters with the end men.
  3. a person who questions; interrogator.


/ ˌɪntəˈlɒkjʊtə /


  1. a person who takes part in a conversation
  2. Also calledmiddleman the man in the centre of a troupe of minstrels who engages the others in talk or acts as announcer
  3. Scots law a decree by a judge

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Derived Forms

  • ˌinterˈlocutress, noun:feminine

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Word History and Origins

Origin of interlocutor1

First recorded in 1505–15; from Latin interlocū-, variant stem of interloquī “to speak between” ( inter- inter- + loquī “to speak”) + -tor

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Example Sentences

So Eugene already had a leg up—an interlocutor could explain away any failed communication.

The user is advised to be patient and explain to a passing interlocutor that the device is similar to a mobile phone.

Which brings me, Mr. Interlocutor, for the last time, to the question: Would you or would you not care for a Raisinet?

Or Andrew could be the novelist, the interlocutor the reader (and uncertain reviewer).

They might also be unwilling to work with the interlocutor picked by the government to lead the talks.

Now, unless the interlocutor adopts the same method and declares what he would do, conversation is apt to become one-sided.

At one end, and acting as interlocutor for this impromptu minstrel show, - 50 -presides one of the best fellows in the world.

His action had already been, with however little purpose, to present the region to his interlocutor in a favourable light.

His interlocutor began, with a shake of the eyeglass, to shift and sidle again, as if distinctly excited by the subject.

It possibly chilled his interlocutor, who again hung fire so long that he himself at last adopted his image.




