


[ juh-rohm; British jer-uhm ]


  1. Saint Eusebius Hieronymus, a.d. c340–420, Christian ascetic and Biblical scholar: chief preparer of the Vulgate version of the Bible.
  2. Jerome K(lap·ka) [klap, -k, uh], 1859–1927, English humorist and playwright.
  3. a male given name: from a Greek word meaning “sacred name.”


/ dʒəˈrəʊm /


  1. Jerome, Saint?347?420MRomanRELIGION: monkMISC: scholarRELIGION: saint Latin name Eusebius Hieronymus. ?347–?420 ad , Christian monk and scholar, whose outstanding work was the production of the Vulgate. Feast day: Sept 30
  2. JeromeJerome K(lapka)18591927MEnglishWRITING: humorous writer Jerome K ( lapka ). 1859–1927, English humorous writer; author of Three Men in a Boat (1889)

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Example Sentences

“The stadiums will be built eventually,” says FIFA Secretary General Jérôme Valcke.

Jérôme Fandor took the card which Juve held out to him, and had got for him as a special favour.

As he was hurrying away, he spied Jérôme Fandor, who had not missed a single detail of the scene.

But Jérôme Fandor was not the man to be discouraged in the face of difficulties: he was determined to brave them—conquer them!

Police Headquarters takes a view of this affair which is the very reverse of that taken by our contributor, Jérôme Fandor.

Jérôme Fandor slipped away and wandered through the gorgeous reception rooms.



