


[ maw-neesh ]


  1. An·to·nio Ca·e·ta·no de A·bre·u Fre·i·re E·gas [ah, n, -, taw, -ny, oo, kah-, uh, -, tah, -n, oo, d, uh, , uh, -, bre, -, oo, f, r, uh, -, ee, -, r, uh, , ee, -g, uh, sh], 1874–1955, Portuguese neurosurgeon: Nobel Prize 1949.

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Example Sentences

President Obama nominated supersmart MIT physicist Ernest Moniz to run the Department of Energy.

The organization lambasted Moniz for his preference for fossil fuels as an energy source and for being a fracking “cheerleader.”

“We have terrible things happen sometimes, despite the best care, in hospitals,” Moniz says.

He watched them with scowling brows and tightened lips, Moniz and Nunes silent behind him.

He was awakened early by a chamberlain at the urgent instances of Emigio Moniz, who was demanding immediate audience.

But Emigio Moniz and the elder members of his council refused to laugh.

But the most curious thing in the whole church is the tomb of Egas Moniz himself.

In his conduct after this behaviour of his ward and pupil, old Egas Moniz showed how fit he was to have been the tutor of a hero.




