

View synonyms for opponent


[ uh-poh-nuhnt ]


  1. a person who is on an opposing side in a game, contest, controversy, or the like; adversary.

    Synonyms: antagonist

    Antonyms: friend, ally


  1. being opposite, as in position.
  2. opposing; adverse; antagonistic.
  3. Anatomy. bringing parts together or into opposition, as a muscle.


/ əˈpəʊnənt /


  1. a person who opposes another in a contest, battle, etc
  2. anatomy an opponent muscle


  1. opposite, as in position
  2. anatomy (of a muscle) bringing two parts into opposition
  3. opposing; contrary

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Derived Forms

  • opˈponency, noun

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Word History and Origins

Origin of opponent1

1580–90; < Latin oppōnent- (stem of oppōnēns, present participle of oppōnere to place over, against, or in front of, make an obstacle), equivalent to op- op- + pōn ( ere ) to place, set, put + -ent- -ent

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Word History and Origins

Origin of opponent1

C16: from Latin oppōnere to oppose, from ob- against + pōnere to place

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Synonym Study

Opponent, competitor, rival refer to persons engaged in a contest. Opponent is the most impersonal, meaning merely one who opposes; perhaps one who continually blocks and frustrates or one who happens to be on the opposite side in a temporary contest: an opponent in a debate. Competitor emphasizes the action in striving against another, or others, for a definite, common goal: competitors in business. Rival has both personal and emotional connotations; it emphasizes the idea that (usually) two persons are struggling to attain the same object: rivals for an office.

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Example Sentences

Despite the scandal, Grimm beat his Democratic opponent by 18 points in November.

One would be hard-pressed to find an earlier opponent of the Nazis than Dietrich von Hildebrand.

Mired in ideological warfare, America faces her most formidable opponent yet— herself.

This opponent is like no other Rodgers has to face on the gridiron.

Perhaps the greatest irony remains that civil rights titan Caesar Chavez was a lifelong opponent of illegal immigration.

He realized, as his mother had realized a little while before, that in Garnache they had an opponent who took no chances.

In a trial in the King's Bench, Mr. Erskine, counsel for the defendant, was charged by his opponent with traveling out of his way.

Scarcely had he smoothed the way with one opponent than another sprung up in an unexpected quarter.

As for the slipperiness of the ground, my opponent will run no greater risks than I. I am not the only impatient one.

Augereau at first confined himself to parrying, but at last, being wounded, he thrust out and killed his opponent.




